Methods for the survey and evaluation of spring habitats
The methods for the survey and evaluation of spring habitats in Switzerland aim to improve the knowledge of these threatened and poorly known habitats. Two expert reports are available in order to survey these habitats in a systematic and standardized way. One of the reports presents two complementary methods (structure and fauna) for the eco-faunistic assessment of springs as a natural environment. The second report proposes a systematic procedure for the survey of Swiss spring habitats. It also allows identifying their importance for nature conservation. These methods are suitable for the evaluation of spring habitats in the context of spring inventories, construction projects, nature conservation issues or revitalization projects.
Note: These publications are not enforcement aids of the Confederation but expert reports.
Recorded parameters:
- Type and structure of springs
- Degradations
- Vegetation/use at different spatial scales, from watershed to spring stream
- Aquatic fauna at the genus and species level
1. Assessment of the habitat structure and fauna in 5 classes:
- Structure: near-natural to severely degraded
- Fauna: typical to very atypical to the springs
2. Evaluation of the importance for nature conservation in 3 classes (national/regional/local importance)
More information on springs can be found at: https://www.quell-lebensrä